Codeine Martin: The Future Of Music
Who Is Codeine Martin?
I guess the best way to answer that question is that he is a character I’ve generated for rap and hip-hop, not just a witty Dean Martin related moniker. At least, that’s how I would have answered it a year ago but after countless albums in that time and doing nothing but rapping since I’m becoming more and more like the character Codeine Martin and less like Devon Brent. I still do comedy so that I don’t lose touch with myself but after a while doing both you just become a rapper dependent on humor as a coping mechanism. So, to answer your question, Codeine Martin is ever-changing whether I like it or not.
Who would you consider your influences in the music industry?
I have countless inspirations in hip hop but if I had to narrow it down, I would say as follows. Eminem taught me to hear words differently and eventually see them differently too. Childish Gambino was my favorite rapper for a few years in high school because of his wordplay abilities as well but also because that ish slaps. Watsky is another huge inspiration I’ve been listening to for almost a decade now, unfortunately, we have near-identical voices so I have to keep that in mind every time I record.
What would you consider your biggest accomplishment thus far in your career?
This is going to sound cheesy, I know I’m supposed to say a show I did or a song I’ve released but honestly, I feel accomplished just to still be alive. During the writing of the first album, which took me a year plus, I was staying up for four days at a time and working 80 hours straight just on music. I had some unhealthy habits besides just my sleep deprivation and I had a few scrapes with death, I’m just really proud to have made it out of that dark place. I’m still recovering to this day, catching up on sleep and dealing with long-term heart problems as well.
What legacy would you like to leave behind for yourself?
Ideally, I would like my music to be enjoyed for years and years to come, no matter how long I’m around. I have to be alive to keep doing comedy, even specials lose relevance, but there is something about a well-made song that has the power to outlive the artist and even it’s own genre. If I knew now that long after I’m gone, people will still be enjoying my impromptu wordplay and rhyme schemes, that would mean more to me than I can put here in words.
Where do you see yourself in the music industry in the next 5 years?
Honestly, I am aiming for the top, that’s where I want to be. I release far more music than I need to but I do it because of my ability to make quality music in large volumes, you gotta grind while you got it, right? I plan on keeping up with my releases but not at the rate of 6 albums in a year like before. That being said, I will never stop creating, I just can’t see that. With over 4 hours of music out since my first release last year, I think I can afford to slow down and focus more on other parts of the industry for a while. That’s the goal, expand, diversify, and get better.
Any shout outs?
Eddie Ambition
Friday GC
Tevan Lockhart
And many many more
Be sure to follow Codeine Martin on Instagram.